Purely on an aesthetic basis, I've never liked the Fearsome Foursome set. I much prefer their 50s golds: |
Much like a Chicago Bears jersey that was just blue and white with no orange would never truly look like a Bears jersey, the Rams just don't look right without gold. With that in mind, this concept aimed to combine the 50s Rams with the 73-99 Rams...and by that I mean integrating the ram horn within Northwestern stripes. A question grated at me, however: how?
I wound up having three ideas, basically, and I feel the modern ram head and the script that came with it are some of the NFL's best, thus it'd be a waste to not put em to use...set 1 uses a blue home, white away, and options for either white or gold pants. The numbers on the whites use a gold outline.
Set 2 rolls with a blue home, gold road, and adds blue pants/gold socks to the other pants sets. Numbers are one color on both jerseys.
Last, set 3, partially inspired by the Nashville Predators, goes with gold homes, white aways. To differentiate it from away #2, the gold jersey's numbers are outlined in white. The Rams wordmark over both names is blue, rather than white or gold.
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